Social Inclusion
Tackling Language with Kadoorie Foundation
Tackling Language uses rugby as a medium to promote social inclusion by facilitating the integration of students from different cultural and language backgrounds. We leverage the core values and team nature of rugby to increase the value participants place on second language learning and develop the language confidence required for them to thrive within and outside of school.
Po Leung Kuk Buddy Rugby with Ageas
Buddy Rugby uses rugby as a medium to promote social inclusion by pairing a Special Educational Needs (SEN) with a mainstream school to play, learn and grow together through joint schools’ trainings and events.
Rugby English Active Learning (REAL) Program with SCOLAR
The objective of the REAL Program is to provide authentic second-language learning opportunities in an environment that supports students to boost their confidence in speaking English. Participants have an opportunity to participate in non-contact TRY rugby as they also develop an interest in the sport through engaging with English language texts and stories focused on the sport. Through a combination of play and reading, participants learn about rugby and its core values including discipline, teamwork and respect.
Deaf Rugby Program with Wilson Group
This program aims to provide rugby upskilling for deaf players for children, youth and adults, with a view towards integration in the active community; by utilizing a structured play-based learning rugby curriculum to equip the deaf community with important social and emotional learning (SEL) skills that support them to overcome challenges. The project also help facilitate the development of a strong support network to promote resilience through the emphasis on bonding within the deaf community and bridging to the wider rugby community.
​Supporting members of the deaf community to develop new positive exercise habits through the provision of access to a safe and inclusive learning environment that prioritizes their mental and physical well-being, and raise public awareness of the importance of social inclusion within society and promote a healthy understanding of the barriers faced by the deaf community.
Special School Rugby Training Program with Ageas
This program is offered in special schools with the objective of tackling discrimination and isolation. Team sports engagement is known to be a highly effective way to break down barriers built on differences. Another program objective is to boost participants’ self confidence and self-esteem by creating opportunities with sport that increase their sense of pride.