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峰會焦點包括: 歡迎致詞:由香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局副局長劉震先生致歡迎辭。 劉先生概述政府致力以體育產業建設更美好社會的願景。

小組討論:每個小組討論均涉及體育可持續發展的重要言議題,從良好治理和包容性到環境影響及可持續體育活動的創新。知名演講嘉賓包括前香港環境局副局長陸恭蕙、國際欖球理事會可持續性、多元及共融部經理Jaime McKeown、英國七人欖球運動員兼蘇格蘭欖球可持續發展大使Jamie Farndale,以及2022年英聯邦運動會可持續發展經理Simon Wright Jones。他們各自分享見解,鼓勵出席人士採取切實可行的步驟,以實現體育領域可持續發展的未來。

體育價值午宴:由中國香港欖球總會自2013年以來主辦的年度活動,特別邀請全球知名運動員及欖球傳奇人物如Huriana Manuel-Carpenter、Schalk Burger和Sean Fitzpatrick,進行小組討論,探討如何利用體育運動,積極改變世界。2024年的活動吸引來自頂尖企業和慈善基金會的翹楚參與,彰顯該活動對於透過體育運動促進積極變革的重要性。






About HKCR:

Established in 1952, HKCR is the governing body for rugby in Hong Kong and a full member of World Rugby and the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China. Over the past 70 years HKCR has built a reputation in the international sports sector for innovation, excellence, community engagement and exemplary governance. HKCR has a history of delivering world class events, including two Bledisloe Cups, a British & Irish Lions match, and the iconic Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens.


About Brand Hong Kong:

Represented by a stylised “flying dragon” logo, Brand Hong Kong is a strategic communications programme launched in 2001 to promote Hong Kong as Asia’s world city.  Hong Kong is making vigorous efforts to develop itself into a green and sustainable city. Committed to promote sports development in the city, Hong Kong is also a centre for major international sports events, with a strong pool of sports talents and large-scale sports facilities projects in the pipeline.


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